“Music Health is turning humans into the superheroes
of their own mental health
with easy to use apps that become part of the daily routine"

Nicc Johnson
Founder and CEO of Music Health

Meet the team

Our team has worked for some of the biggest companies in the world, including Universal Music Group, Instagram, Facebook, Adobe, Google, WhatsApp, and more.

When you bring together likeminded passionate people you really can make a positive change! We thrive on creating an inclusive and productive culture where great ideas come to life.

  • Nicc Johnson


    My biggest passions is music and how it impacts our body and brain. I started my career as a professional DJ travelling the world and performing for thousands. I saw the power of music first hand but didn’t understand the science so I studied Musicology. 20 yrs in, I specialise in music taste and what that means for your wellbeing.

    If you could choose ONE song that you could only listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    Jeez, that’s an impossible question for a DJ
    Energise - Momma’s Groove by Osunlade
    Reminisce - Say A Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin
    Motivation - Get Down by NAS
    Relax - Colour by Pete Josef

  • Fenna Brown

    Chief of Staff

    Growing up, I wanted to be a professional basketball player, an interior designer, a jazz saxophonist and own a Mexican food truck. While those loves remain, I’m now lucky to be working to help people to improve their health through music. When I’m not soaking up Sydney life with family and friends, I love to travel and immerse myself in new cultures, music, food and beautiful landscapes.

    If you could choose ONE song that you could only listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    Just the Two of Us - Grover Washington Jr. feat Bill Withers. Can’t beat a sax solo

  • Tom White

    Community Manager

    I am ignited and inspired by all things people! When I’m not yelling at people on the football pitch you’ll find me meticulously creating a new music playlist, on a roadtrip to some place out at woop woop or enjoying Sydney’s thriving nightlife.

    If you could choose ONE song that you could only listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

  • Liam Power

    Data Scientist

    I live for art, music, code and all the connections in between. When I'm not coding at a keyboard I'm playing one at shows around Melbourne. Working at MusicHealth helps me to justify the countless hours spent in unsolicited playlist curation for family and friends.

    If you could choose ONE song that you could only listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    Fad Gadget - Back to Nature

Our Mission

To empower every human to be the superhero of their own mental health.

We are ambitious, bold and determined to impact the lives of the billions that can benefit from our tools. We’re first transforming dementia care!

  • With our technology platform, we can deliver music therapy to anyone with an internet connection anywhere. We aim to make music therapy accessible, affordable and easy to use for everyone who can benefit from it.  

    We create brands around this technology to cater to specific needs. Our first brand is called 'Vera' and is focused on brain ageing - with a mission to empower our ageing population to stay independent, healthy and happy for as long as possible.

    Since we believe everything starts with the brain, we place the greatest emphasis on "mental" well-being. We often forget to give it the attention it deserves despite its importance.

    We focus on music because we have seen first-hand how impactful it can be, both in our own experiences and others'. 

  • At our core, we are an innovation company. We don't do what we do because it is easy; we do it because we believe it will change the world. Things move fast, and thus we embrace making mistakes and learn fast so that we continue to grow. We have a world-class team who are obsessed with three things:

    • The well-being of all people

    • Creating personalised, engaging, convenient user-experiences

    • Music

    The organisation is flat, with decision making happening regularly and rapidly at every level. We believe too many chefs spoil the broth, and team members should be allowed to make their own decisions (and mistakes), so we can all learn from them. Ultimately, we believe that good ideas can come from anywhere, and execution is more important than anything.

We’re always looking for exceptional talent to join our mission.

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Our Practices

These are the behaviours that we live throughout every task, decision and day working for Music Health!

Let us know which is your favourite…

  • Go hard and go fast. Don't let others slow you down.

    If there's something that needs to be done, just do it! Drive that change and keep momentum going at all times.

    Making mistakes is okay if we learn from them. Ask forgiveness, not permission.

  • Say what needs to be said but say it with respect! Approach issues with at least one solution in mind.

    It is each of our duty to be honest with each other and not let resentment build unaddressed.

    Channel the bluntness of the Dutch!!!

  • Without their feedback and support, we are nothing!

    Gold glove service - all feedback we receive needs to be listened to and addressed.

    Make our customers feel like they are a part of our journey (they are!) and we will succeed.

  • Put the needs of your team ahead of yourself. Do what you say and be accountable.

    All our goals are set as a team and it is through collaboration that we will hit them.

    Communicate openly and make sure that you are always available.

  • Pave new paths to achieve our goals. If we only follow in the footsteps of others, we will never succeed.

    We are a team of free thinkers and idea creators - let your creativity slow and make the impossible possible.

    We are the future of music in healthcare!

  • We will aggressively filter out jerks from our customers, team and affiliates for the benefit of all.

    Our C-suite filter jerks out wherever possible, so it is up to us to self-reflect and make sure that we are living out this practice ourselves.

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